Using RFQuiltLayout with RubyMotion and RMQ

RFQuiltLayout with RubyMotion and RMQ

RFQuiltLayout extends UICollectionViewLayout to squeeze multiple different size boxes onto the screen. It’s the equivalent of Masonry for iOS collection view cells.

The RFQuiltLayout example uses Interface Builder for most of the setup, which was a challenge to map into code. I’m going to show you everything needed to change the default collection view layout for RubyMotion and RMQ.

TL;DR; here’s how to use RFQuiltLayout. The key is assigning the layout’s delegate.

You can view the project source code on GitHub.

class ImagesController < UICollectionViewController

  def = {})
    # use RFQuiltLayout for collection view
    layout = RFQuiltLayout.alloc.init

  def viewDidLoad
    # set the layout's delegate
    layout = collectionView.collectionViewLayout
    layout.delegate = self
    layout.blockPixels = CGSizeMake(75, 75)

  # RFQuiltLayoutDelegate methods
  def blockSizeForItemAtIndexPath(index_path)
    CGSizeMake(1, 2)

  def insetsForItemAtIndexPath(index_path)
    UIEdgeInsetsMake(2, 2, 2, 2)


Step 1: Create an RMQ project

If you already have a project you can skip this step. We are going to create the RMQ project and add our collection view controller.

rmq create demo
rmq create collection_view_controller images

Step 2: Adding RFQuiltLayout to your project

The next step is simple, install RFQuiltLayout. RFQuiltLayout can be installed as a cocoapod, which is Bundler for iOS/OSX.

In your Gemfile add/uncomment the motion-cocoapods gem.

gem 'motion-cocoapods'

Now in your Rakefile add the pod to your build. You can find the latest version from Cocoa Controls (RFQuiltLayout)

app.pods do
  pod 'RFQuiltLayout', '~> 1.1.1'

Now that you have the CocoaPod added to your project you need to run two commands.

pod setup
rake pod:install

Step 3: Remove the RMQ frame styles

RFQuiltLayout positions and sets the size of each cell. As a result you don’t need the default code provided by RMQ.

 module ImagesControllerStylesheet
   def collection_view(st)
-    st.view.contentInset = [@margin, @margin, @margin, @margin]
     st.background_color = color.white
-    st.view.collectionViewLayout.tap do |cl|
-      cl.itemSize = [cell_size[:w], cell_size[:h]]
-      #cl.scrollDirection = UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal
-      #cl.headerReferenceSize = [cell_size[:w], cell_size[:h]]
-      cl.minimumInteritemSpacing = @margin
-      cl.minimumLineSpacing = @margin
-      #cl.sectionInset = [0,0,0,0]
-    end
 module ImagesCellStylesheet
-  def cell_size
-    {w: 96, h: 96}
-  end
   def images_cell(st)
-    st.frame = cell_size

Step 4: Add the RFQuiltLayoutDelegate methods

At this point RFQuiltLayout is in place. The last step is adding the boxes for our demo. The boxes method creates 200 items with a random height to showcase RFQuiltLayout’s awesomeness.

def collectionView(view, numberOfItemsInSection: section)

def boxes
  @boxes ||= do |n|
      height: [1,2,3].sample,
      label: n


# RFQuiltLayoutDelegate methods

def blockSizeForItemAtIndexPath(index_path)
  box = boxes[index_path.row]
  CGSizeMake(1, box[:height])

def insetsForItemAtIndexPath(index_path)
  UIEdgeInsetsMake(2, 2, 2, 2)

Congratulations! You have added RFQuiltLayout to your UICollectionView.

View the project source code on GitHub.